July 9 – 13
Left Bonnie Castle Marina and crossed the east end of Lake Ontario back to Oswego, this time docking at Oswego International Marina. Met Loopers here, with whom we had a nice dinner, talking all the while about our experiences. Waved goodbye the next day as we headed for Shumway Marina in Rochester, NY. The washing machine that was new last August was on the fritz; same problem that it had in March while we were still in Florida, which meant replacing the whole computer control panel, again. Unfortunately, the repair tech in Oswego didn’t have the part, so it was supposed to be repaired here in Rochester. The appointment was made and part ordered, or so we thought. We were delayed here because one whole day was spent trying to straighten out that mess, and then windy, rough conditions on the lake developed the next day. Finally left 3 days later with the promise from Sears that the washing machine part would be sent to Erie, PA. Water depth of 350’ was noted in this lake.